biographical sketch – Creative Combinatorics as a foundation of creativity, information organisation and art Mon, 29 Jun 2009 07:37:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Horst Rittel Tue, 13 May 2008 08:40:11 +0000 Horst W. J. Rittel (1930 – 1990) was a German-born design theorist and university professor, educated as a theroretical physicist. He is best-known (along with M. Webber) for coining the term ‘wicked problem’, but his influence on design theory and practice was also much wider. In 1963 Rittel went to Berkeley. In 1973 he also […]

The post Horst Rittel first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

Horst W. J. Rittel (1930 – 1990) was a German-born design theorist and university professor, educated as a theroretical physicist. He is best-known (along with M. Webber) for coining the term ‘wicked problem’, but his influence on design theory and practice was also much wider. In 1963 Rittel went to Berkeley. In 1973 he also joined the University of Stuttgart in Germany.

In his work he also thought about information systems and developed a planning/design method known as IBIS (Issue-Based Information System) for handling wicked problems. With his German colleague Werner Kunz Rittel also wrote a book on the foundation of information science in Germany (Werner Kunz and Horst Rittel, Die Informationswissenschaften: ihre Ansätze, Probleme, Methoden und ihr Ausbau in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, München 1972).

A short biography about Horst Rittel in the publication “University of California: In Memoriam, 1992 : A publication of the Academic Senate, University of California, Information on this publication may be obtained by contacting the Academic Senate Office on any of the University of California campuses / David Krogh, Editor”

Werner Kunz and Horst W. J. Rittel, Issues as elements fo information systems. Working Paper No. 131
July 1970, reprinted May 1979, University of California, Berkeley

Chanpory Rith and Hugh Dubberly, ‘Why Horst W. J. Rittel Matters’, Design Issues 23 (2007)1, 72-91.

The post Horst Rittel first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

Max Bill Fri, 09 May 2008 10:51:36 +0000 The Swiss artist and designer Max Bill founded in Germany the Ulm School for Design in the Fifties after getting his education also at the Bauhaus in the end of the Twenties. He was a theorizer about “the form” and was a proponent of a connection between mathematics as well as the physical sciences and […]

The post Max Bill first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

The Swiss artist and designer Max Bill founded in Germany the Ulm School for Design in the Fifties after getting his education also at the Bauhaus in the end of the Twenties. He was a theorizer about “the form” and was a proponent of a connection between mathematics as well as the physical sciences and art. Ostwald was mentioned by Bill in the afterword of the German edition of Kandinsky‘s “Point and line to plane”.

The post Max Bill first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

Max Bense Fri, 09 May 2008 10:43:53 +0000 Max Bense (1910 – 1990) was a German philosopher and writer, in the fields of philosophy of science, logic, aesthetics, and semiotics. He published books about the philosophy of nature as well as “aesthetical information” and information-theory-based aesthetics. Bense worked at the University of Stuttgart since 1949 becoming full professor in 1963. In addition, he […]

The post Max Bense first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

Max Bense (1910 – 1990) was a German philosopher and writer, in the fields of philosophy of science, logic, aesthetics, and semiotics. He published books about the philosophy of nature as well as “aesthetical information” and information-theory-based aesthetics. Bense worked at the University of Stuttgart since 1949 becoming full professor in 1963. In addition, he worked at the adult education centre and at the College of Design in Ulm from 1953 to 1958.

The post Max Bense first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

Wilhelm Ostwald Sun, 06 Jan 2008 19:00:27 +0000 Wilhelm Ostwald, 1853 (Riga, Latvia) – 1932 (Leipzig, Germany) was one of the founders and the organizer of the discipline ‘physical chemistry’ at the end of the 19th century. He worked from 1887 until 1906 as professor in Leipzig, received the 1909 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work on catalysis, equilibria and rates of […]

The post Wilhelm Ostwald first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

Wilhelm Ostwald, 1853 (Riga, Latvia) – 1932 (Leipzig, Germany) was one of the founders and the organizer of the discipline ‘physical chemistry’ at the end of the 19th century. He worked from 1887 until 1906 as professor in Leipzig, received the 1909 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work on catalysis, equilibria and rates of chemical reactions.

Especially after his retirement he developed broad and multifaceted interests as well as wrote numerous publications in philosophy (of nature), history (of science) as well as color theory and the international organization of scholarly work e.g. through promoting an artificial language.

Wilhelm Ostwald

An actual biography: Kim, Mi Gyung (2006). Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932). in: HYLE – International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry 12 (2006) 1, S. 141-148.

The post Wilhelm Ostwald first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.
