Lüneburg – Creative Combinatorics https://notes.hapke.de as a foundation of creativity, information organisation and art Sat, 16 Jul 2011 17:04:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.3 Looking through a window on an unpacked library! https://notes.hapke.de/information-organisation/looking-through-a-window-on-an-unpacked-library/ Sat, 16 Jul 2011 16:21:21 +0000 http://notes.hapke.de/?p=98 In the end of June 2011 my attention was called to a talk with the title "Unpacking a library" which was given by an art historian Magnus Schäfer from Berlin on the oocasion of an exhibition titled "Dealing with – some books, viusals, and works related to the American Fine Arts, Co." which took place […]

The post Looking through a window on an unpacked library! first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

In the end of June 2011 my attention was called to a talk with the title "Unpacking a library" which was given by an art historian Magnus Schäfer from Berlin on the oocasion of an exhibition titled "Dealing with – some books, viusals, and works related to the American Fine Arts, Co." which took place in Lüneburg in the small "Halle für Kunst (Hall of Art) Lüneburg" accompanied by the Kunstraum of the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. The photo with the view on the library was taken from outside the "Halle der Kunst" when looking through the window from the Baumstraße, one of Lüneburg’s beautiful, old streets! The Baumstraße itself is an artwork containing the so-called "Steinmeile" (Mile of Stones).

Before I knew nothing about the New York gallery American Fine Arts, Co. which was founded and headed by Colin de Land (1955-2003)! But I was attracted by the Walter Benjamin quote in the title of the talk. Through the talk and the visit of the exhibition I learnt that the library of the gallery has been transferred to Germany and was shown during the exhibiton. During the talk and the discussion afterwards interesting statements and questions have been raised:

  • Has the collection/library lost its subject when the galery was closed after the dead of the founder?
  • The statement "The library is a document" brought to my mind Michael Buckland’s papers "What is a document?" and "What is a ‘digital document’?"
  • When is a collection of books called a library?
  • The American Fine Arts library has also been used a little bit like a public library when artists borrowed books for their work.
  • The library now, can it be viewed itself as a work of art, as an artifact?
  • Can the library now be viewed as self-contained actant in the sense of Bruno Latour? (See also a post about Latour in my German blog)
  • The smallest book in the library has been a little books about dogs, "Das kleine Hundebuch" from the publisher Heyne, which was shown during the talk.

More on the gallery American Fine Arts, Co. see here: "American Fine Arts – If culture means anything" curated by James Fuentes, essay by Jackie McAllister.

The post Looking through a window on an unpacked library! first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

Graffiti in Lüneburg: Art and people https://notes.hapke.de/education/graffiti-in-lneburg-art-and-people/ Sun, 29 May 2011 13:04:50 +0000 http://notes.hapke.de/?p=81 By an English friend I was pointed to a graffiti which exists in Lüneburg, the town where I live, and which was done in 2009 within an Urban Art Project by the Leuphana University. It was created by two artists which call themselves Herakut and contained the text "Art doesn`t help people, people help people". […]

The post Graffiti in Lüneburg: Art and people first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.

By an English friend I was pointed to a graffiti which exists in Lüneburg, the town where I live, and which was done in 2009 within an Urban Art Project by the Leuphana University. It was created by two artists which call themselves Herakut and contained the text "Art doesn`t help people, people help people".

But art is made by people, isn’t it!?

Some videos on this special piece of art and also the descriptions of the other artworks can be viewed at the website.

The art project was "part of Leuphana University’s orientation programme for new students".

Starting their study at Leuphana, students have the so-called Leuphana Semester which is unique for German universities and also includes special introductions into scholarly work as well as the promotion of information literacy.

The post Graffiti in Lüneburg: Art and people first appeared on Creative Combinatorics.
