June 18th, 2008 by thapke
Here is the trial, made quick&dirty, using a tool to compile a word cloud from the text of this weblog! Easy and funny! 😎

June 10th, 2008 by thapke
The conference Analogous spaces – architecture and the space of information, intellect and action, (15-17 May 2008, Ghent University, Belgium) has been over now more than 3 weeks. A lot of the presentations of the conference can now be found online.
The conference itself has been a place of Creative Combinatorics. Architects, computer scientists, engineers, information specialists, historians of art, historians of science, librarians, urban planners exchanged their views on analogous, virtual and digital spaces, on structure, form and architecture in information, knowledge and memory as well as on intellectual and social networks. The conference itself gives form and structure to a community of people which similar interests starting from a Belgian Renaissance Man and polymath Paul Otlet (1868-1944) and his activities, a community which met the first time in 2002 at Mons for a colloquium at the Mundaneum with the title “Architecture of Knowledge: the Mundaneum and European Antecedents of the World Wide Web” and the second time in 2005 at Urbana-Champaign within a conference titled “European Modernism and the Information Society: Informing the Present, Understanding the past”.
Personal pictures from the conference and the tour that followed: