March 9th, 2013 by thapke
Five years after the “Analogous Spaces” conference its proceedings has been published with the title “Information and Space: Analogies and Metaphors” in a special issue of the journal “Library Trends” (Volume 61, Number 2, Fall 2012) Proceedings are available partially as Open Access via IDEALS. The paper of the blog owner “Wilhelm Ostwald’s Combinatorics as […]
May 9th, 2008 by thapke
The importance to think about creativity in information and library science (1) led to considerations about how to develop information systems to support people in their creativity, e.g. in musics (2) or how the form of accessing information inluences the generation of ideas and creativity, here e.g. for managers (3). Petrowski, Mary Jane: Creativity research: […]
March 30th, 2008 by thapke
"In-formation" and education has a strong connection, e.g. through information literacy. In the end of a paper in the book “European Modernism and the Information Society” Michael Buckland mentioned the connection between documentation and the "technology/technique of intellectual work" what also has strong connections to education! Efforts and guides to research methods for students grew […]
March 20th, 2008 by thapke
Today more and more connections between “in-formation”, education as well as advertising, art and design are visible in domains like information literacy, information design and knowledge media design. One ‘hidden’ connection to information science is shown here: Horst Rittel, later professor of design in Berkeley, was a successor of Max Bense at the Ulm School […]