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„Learning everywhere“ war der Titel eines Vortrages, den Michael Stephens am 26.10.2012 an der TU Hamburg-Harburg gehalten hat.
Meine Einführung zu diesem Vortrag dokumentiere ich hier mit den inhaltlichen Passagen nach der Begrüßung und dem Dank an die Beteiligten:
Welcome for Michael Stephens
Hello all together. […] I have the honour to cordially welcome you all and especially Mr. Michael Stephens, Assistant Professor at the School of Library and Information Science of the San Jose State University in California who will talk this evening about the topic “Learning Everywhere. Transformative Libraries & Services“.
[…] Welcome friends of the TUHH library, a word I can use here also in the sense it is used in Facebook. […] Let me also mention at this point that this event is part of the national promotion week ‘Meeting Point Library’ starting this week on Wednesday October 24, the day of libraries in Germany.
Thinking about the future of the library has been an ongoing task in the life of the TU library. And this is true also for my own professional life. As a small university library from its beginning the TU library has tried to be innovative. Many of my colleagues in the library have been very busy to stimulate innovation processes since years.
One technical result of today is our discovery system and catalog VuFind, we call it now TUBfind. Another is our new website which integrates TUBfind as well as our weblog using the open-source blog software WordPress: I want also to mention here the use of RFID technology in our library. As I do today all the colleagues in the TU library learn something new every day what means being innovative for yourself.
We will hear a talk by Michael about the future of learning and the role the library in this process of learning. In times when literacy can be defined as “engaging with information in all of its modalities” [this citation from O’Farrill, Ruben Toledano: Information literacy and knowledge management. Preparations for an arranged marriage. In: Libri 58 (2008). p. 155–171, especially p. 167] and when literacy can be viewed as a social activity, libraries play their roles as learning facilitators, promoters of an information culture which should be rich and comprehensive, multifaceted and consciously experienced. The last point, a consciously experienced information culture is the aim of those activities in libraries concerning media and information literacy. Playing and networking are important so-called new media literacies. Also mobile learning, one of the topics of Michael, is really an issue here! The information culture you find in and through libraries is an important complement to the monoculture spread by Google or Facebook.
Let us now learn from Michael Stevens!
In diesem sehr inspirierenden Vortrag, dessen Folien auch im Netz sind und bei dem man nicht merkte, dass nach 60 Minuten knapp 150 Folien gezeigt wurden, war für mich besonders der Hinweis auf das Konzept des Transformative Learning im Rahmen der Erwachsenenbildung von Jack Mezirow spannend. Der aus meiner Sicht wichtigste Satz auf die Bibliotheken bezogen lautete: "Willing to leave out our physical walls".
Mehr von Michael Stephens:
Am meisten lernt man ja auch , wenn man selbst eine Präsentation vorzubereiten hat. Seit August habe ich zwei Präsentationen gegeben, je eine zu den beiden Themen, die mich schwerpunktmäßig interessieren: